St. John the Evangelist

St. John the Evangelist

Friday 20 July 2012

A Weekend of Prayer for our Diocese

From John Franklin, Bishop's Chaplain A 7pm Friday 31 October - 7pm Sunday 2 September 
As we all know, we are facing significant and exciting challenges to our life as the Diocese of Dunedin.  In his blog of 7 July, Bishop Kelvin wonderswhat our diocese might look like in two years time after we have radically rearranged it. While we look, Leslie Newbigin reminds us that our life is in our orientation to the needs of the world rather than our own preservation.  He says, "Election is not about who gets to heaven; election is about who God chooses to be part of his crisis-response team to bring healing to the world."
This is a time that our bishop describes as one of the most exciting since Constantine, and I believe that it calls us to wholeheartedly turn to our Source.  The mission is not ours, and the church isn't ours.  So Bishop Kelvin and I invite you to join us in a weekend of prayer for our life as a church.  Let's pray together to be open, listening, and responsive to God's 'new thing'.
 And Paul encourages us.  "Do not worry about anything (like earthquake insurance, and financial constraints), but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God" (Philippians 4.6).
We ask each parish/ministry unit to commit to a weekend of united, continuous prayer before Synod, and while Bishop Kelvin prayerfully considers our options for the future.
Some steps:
  1. Talk with one another and get the word out.
  2. Decide whether your people can manage a half day, or 12, 24, 36, or 48 hours from 7pm Friday. 
  3. Choose a warm hospitable space in which to meet.
  4. Choose a coordinator/contact person.
We will provide a prayer for the diocese that will be a starting point, some practical suggestions, copy for Sunday bulletins, and a poster for notice boards.
Let us pray!

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